Utopiat Music Monday -- The Grateful Dead and "formless" music
Album: "Infrared Roses"
Song: "Silver Apples of the Moon"
Artist: The Grateful Dead
Year: 1991
Video URL: https://youtu.be/
Released in 1991, "Infrared Roses" displays of the achievement of deeper mystical and spiritual levels, through seemingly formless music and experimentation.
Not any particular songs but rather, a collection of the "Drums/Space" portions, of Grateful dead performances, the album captures free-form experimental moments that were performed during the second set of every live show. Many concert attendees saw this portion of Grateful Dead shows as a time to step away and take a break for a while, not focusing much of what the band was doing.
However, tribal rhythms, introspective sequences, free-form improvisation and jazz (with saxophone virtuoso, Branford Marsalis & piano master, Bruce Hornsby), surrounded more attentive listeners with a heightened, aural, almost "out of body" experience through music.
Extensive use of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), allowed the musicians to perform in bizarre, unconventional methods. Guitars articulated the sounds of flutes, voices and otherworldly melodies.
There is great poignancy in such free form creativity, not just from making music, but from each moment we are able to experience divinity by being in the flow state, where our body, mind and soul become instrument for the universe to express beauty and truth.
This is where true artistic and creative genius lives and thrives.
It is the Utopiat ideal that more and more of us will find our inner geniuses in that flow state where we commune with the divine.
Om shanti and Namaste.
This #MusicMonday post was curated and written by an Utopiat friend, the shamanic dj/producer Alex Gardel: http://bit.ly/29Qjukg
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